Class RegistrationResponseError

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-09-23T08:35:59.300824-05:00[America/Chicago]", comments="Generator version: 7.8.0") public class RegistrationResponseError extends Object implements Serializable
For the registration inline hook, the `error` object provides a way of displaying an error message to the end user who is trying to register or update their profile. * If you're using the Okta Sign-In Widget for Profile Enrollment, only the `errorSummary` messages of the `errorCauses` objects that your external service returns appear as inline errors, given the following: * You don't customize the error handling behavior of the widget. * The `location` of `errorSummary` in the `errorCauses` object specifies the request object's user profile attribute. * If you don't return a value for the `errorCauses` object, and deny the user's registration attempt through the `commands` object in your response to Okta, one of the following generic messages appears to the end user: * \"Registration cannot be completed at this time.\" (SSR) * \"We found some errors. Please review the form and make corrections.\" (Progressive Enrollment) * If you don't return an `error` object at all and the registration is denied, the following generic message appears to the end user: * \"Registration denied.\" (SSR) * \"Profile update denied.\" (Progressive Enrollment) >**Note:** If you include an error object in your response, no commands are executed and the registration fails. This holds true even if the top-level `errorSummary` and the `errorCauses` objects are omitted.
See Also: