Package com.okta.authfoundation.credential


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class Credential

Convenience object that wraps a Token, providing methods and properties for interacting with credential resources.

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class CredentialDataSource

Responsible for managing Credential instances.

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enum RevokeTokenType : Enum<RevokeTokenType>

The possible token types that can be revoked.

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class Token(    val tokenType: String,     val expiresIn: Int,     val accessToken: String,     val scope: String?,     val refreshToken: String?,     val idToken: String?,     val deviceSecret: String?,     val issuedTokenType: String?)

Token information representing a user's access to a resource server, including access token, refresh token, and other related information.

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interface TokenStorage

Interface used to customize the way tokens are stored, updated, and removed throughout the lifecycle of an application.

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enum TokenType : Enum<TokenType>

The type of token an operation should be used with.