Package com.okta.authfoundation.client


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fun interface AccessTokenValidator

Used for validating Access Tokens minted by an Authorization Server.

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interface Cache

A general purpose key value cache used internally by the SDK to optimize network calls. Will not be used to store sensitive information.

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fun interface DeviceSecretValidator

Used for validating device secrets minted by an Authorization Server.

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fun interface IdTokenValidator

Used for validating Id Tokens minted by an Authorization Server.

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class OidcClient

The client used for interacting with an Okta Authorization Server.

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sealed class OidcClientResult<T>

Describes the result from the OidcClient.

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fun interface OidcClock

Interface used to return the current time from a trusted source.

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class OidcConfiguration

Configuration options for an OidcClient.

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class OidcEndpoints(    val issuer: HttpUrl,     val authorizationEndpoint: HttpUrl?,     val tokenEndpoint: HttpUrl,     val userInfoEndpoint: HttpUrl?,     val jwksUri: HttpUrl?,     val introspectionEndpoint: HttpUrl?,     val revocationEndpoint: HttpUrl?,     val endSessionEndpoint: HttpUrl?,     val deviceAuthorizationEndpoint: HttpUrl?)

Represents the routes used to make network calls to the Authorization Server.

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class SharedPreferencesCache : Cache

An implementation of Cache which stores key value pairs in Android SharedPreferences.