Reassign review items

As an admin or a reviewer, you can reassign a review item to another user. Reassigning a review item doesn’t extend the campaign’s end date. The new reviewer must approve or revoke access before the campaign ends.

When the campaign has self-reviews disabled, admins can’t approve, revoke, or reassign their own review item.

Multilevel reviews are reassigned at the current review level. For example, you reassign a review item for a first-level reviewer. The new reviewer is considered as the first-level reviewer. The original second-level reviewer remains the same.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you’re assigned at least one item to review in an active campaign.

Start this task

  1. On the End-User Dashboard, click Okta Access Certification Reviews.
  2. On the My reviews page, go to the Open tab, and select an access certification campaign.
  3. Select one or more review items that you want to reassign to a new reviewer and click Reassign. You must select review items individually if you reassign to different users. Only admins can reassign items that are assigned to a group or group owner for review.
  4. Select the reviewer that you want to assign the review items to. If the campaign creator has selected the Disable self-review option for the campaign, you can’t select a user as the reviewer for their own review item.
  5. Enter a business justification for the reassignment.
  6. Click Reassign.

If the campaign owner has set up email notifications, the new reviewer is notified that review items have been assigned to them and view the business justification for the change.

After you reassign a review item, you can view it from the Closed tab of My Campaigns page. Reviewing the reassignment history of previously reviewed items is helpful when you aren’t sure who you should reassign a currently open review item to.

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Campaign reviews