Campaign reviews
Review users' access to resources regularly using Access Certifications campaigns.
A campaign becomes active on its scheduled start date. When a campaign is active, you can approve or revoke a user’s access to a resource. You can also reassign the review item to another reviewer. You can't change your decisions on review items after submitting them. The campaign is marked as closed on the campaign’s scheduled end date or when an admin closes the campaign before the scheduled end date. After a campaign ends, you can't approve or revoke any pending review items.
For campaigns with multilevel reviews, some items reviewed by a first-level reviewer are sent to a second-level reviewer for approval. In this case, the second-level reviewer is the final reviewer for those review items and must make a decision before the campaign ends.
Sometimes, a second-level reviewer may see new review items assigned to them after the second-level review has begun. This happens when the first-level reviewer finished reviewing their pending items after their due date.
You can view previously completed campaigns that you reviewed from the Closed tab of the My reviews page. If the campaign owner sets up email notifications, you receive notifications for the following events:
- An admin or a reviewer assigns review items to you.
- You have pending review items and the campaign ends soon.
You have overdue reminders for first-level reviewers.
- The campaign ends.