Modify a scheduled campaign

Before a scheduled campaign becomes active, you can make the following changes:

  • Launch the campaign before its scheduled start date.

  • Edit the campaign.

  • Delete the campaign.

After the campaign becomes active, you can reassign the review items and end the campaign. See Reassign review items and End an active campaign.

Best practices

  • Ensure that the resource associated with the campaign exists in Okta and isn’t deactivated or deleted.
  • The number of review items in a campaign must be from 1 through 100,000. To better manage large campaigns, Okta recommends that you split reviews in to multiple campaigns.
  • Don’t rename, modify, or delete the Access Certification Reviewer group. Okta automatically adds reviewers to this group when an admin assigns review items to them. Modifying this group in any way can result in reviewers losing access to the campaign and not being able to complete their reviews. If you accidentally delete the group, contact Okta Support.
  • Ensure that the fallback reviewer that you select is active within Okta.
  • See Recurring campaign considerations.

Before you begin

  • Sign in as a super admin or access certifications admin.
  • Check that you have a campaign that hasn’t started yet and is still in the scheduled state.

Start this task

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Identity Governance > Access Certifications.

  2. Go to the Scheduled tab and select the campaign you want to modify.

  3. Open the Actions dropdown menu and select one of the following options:

    • Launch

    • Edit

      • Make the required changes.

      • Click Save.

    • Delete

  • If you modify the campaign’s start date or duration, remember to adjust the reminder notification settings from the Reviewer section to account for this new date.
  • The campaign fails to launch if the reviewers included in the campaign are in a deactivated or deleted status at the start time of the campaign.

  • You can only add up to 50 resources in a campaign.

Related topics

Create campaigns

End an active campaign