Okta Verify

Okta Verify is a multifactor authentication (MFA) app developed by Okta. It lets users verify their identity when they sign in to Okta and makes it less likely that someone pretending to be the user can gain access to the account.

To use Okta Verify, you must first enable and configure it for your org, and then your end users must install the Okta Verify app on their device and set it up. Then, when end users sign in to Okta, they can verify their identity by approving a push notification in the app, or by entering a one-time code provided by the app into Okta.

Are you an end user and want to set up and use Okta Verify? See Okta Verify for end users.

Enable and configure Okta Verify



Performed by

  1. Configure Okta Verify.

Use multifactor policies to enable Okta Verify at an org or group level. If your org supports Push Notification, enable Okta Verify with Push as a primary MFA factor to enhance org and end-user security.


  1. Configure Risk scoring.

When enabled, the Risk Scoring engine assesses sign-in attempts against a number of criteria and assigns a risk level to each one. These assignments can be used for dynamic responses in your enrollment and sign-in policies.


  1. Install Okta Verify.

The user signs in to their Okta org and is prompted to enroll with Okta Verify. They enroll their device, choose push notification or verification code, and complete their authentication.

End user

Additional resources

Supported platforms for Okta Verify

Data collected by Okta Verify

Okta Verify Release Notes