Class ApplicationPoliciesApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-09-23T08:35:59.300824-05:00[America/Chicago]", comments="Generator version: 7.8.0") public class ApplicationPoliciesApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ApplicationPoliciesApi

      public ApplicationPoliciesApi()
    • ApplicationPoliciesApi

      public ApplicationPoliciesApi(ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public ApiClient getApiClient()
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient)
    • assignApplicationPolicy

      public void assignApplicationPolicy(String appId, String policyId) throws ApiException
      Assign an Authentication Policy Assigns an app to an [authentication policy](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Policy/), identified by `policyId`. If the app was previously assigned to another policy, this operation replaces that assignment with the updated policy identified by `policyId`. > **Note:** When you [merge duplicate authentication policies](, the policy and mapping CRUD operations may be unavailable during the consolidation. When the consolidation is complete, you receive an email with merged results.
      appId - Application ID (required)
      policyId - `id` of the Policy (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • assignApplicationPolicy

      public void assignApplicationPolicy(String appId, String policyId, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Assign an Authentication Policy Assigns an app to an [authentication policy](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Policy/), identified by `policyId`. If the app was previously assigned to another policy, this operation replaces that assignment with the updated policy identified by `policyId`. > **Note:** When you [merge duplicate authentication policies](, the policy and mapping CRUD operations may be unavailable during the consolidation. When the consolidation is complete, you receive an email with merged results.
      appId - Application ID (required)
      policyId - `id` of the Policy (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getObjectMapper

      protected static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper getObjectMapper()