Class HttpBearerAuth

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-03-29T16:47:02.065887-05:00[America/Chicago]", comments="Generator version: 7.4.0") public class HttpBearerAuth extends Object implements Authentication
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpBearerAuth

      public HttpBearerAuth(String scheme)
  • Method Details

    • getBearerToken

      public String getBearerToken()
      Gets the token, which together with the scheme, will be sent as the value of the Authorization header.
      The bearer token
    • setBearerToken

      public void setBearerToken(String bearerToken)
      Sets the token, which together with the scheme, will be sent as the value of the Authorization header.
      bearerToken - The bearer token to send in the Authorization header
    • setBearerToken

      public void setBearerToken(Supplier<String> tokenSupplier)
      Sets the supplier of tokens, which together with the scheme, will be sent as the value of the Authorization header.
      tokenSupplier - The supplier of bearer tokens to send in the Authorization header
    • applyToParams

      public void applyToParams(List<Pair> queryParams, Map<String,String> headerParams, Map<String,String> cookieParams)
      Description copied from interface: Authentication
      Apply authentication settings to header and query params.
      Specified by:
      applyToParams in interface Authentication
      queryParams - List of query parameters
      headerParams - Map of header parameters
      cookieParams - Map of cookie parameters