Class DefaultClientBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultClientBuilder extends Object implements ClientBuilder

The default ClientBuilder implementation. This looks for configuration files in the following locations and order of precedence (last one wins).

  • classpath:com/okta/sdk/config/
  • classpath:com/okta/sdk/config/okta.yaml
  • classpath:okta.yaml
  • ~/.okta/okta.yaml
  • Environment Variables (with dot notation converted to uppercase + underscores)
  • System Properties
  • Programmatically
Please be aware that, in general, loading secrets (such as api-keys or PEM-content) from environment variables or system properties can lead to those secrets being leaked.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultClientBuilder

      public DefaultClientBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • setProxy

      public ClientBuilder setProxy(com.okta.commons.http.config.Proxy proxy)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Sets the HTTP proxy to be used when communicating with the Okta API server. For example:
       Proxy proxy = new Proxy("", 443);
       Client client = Clients.builder().setProxy(proxy).build();
      Specified by:
      setProxy in interface ClientBuilder
      proxy - the Proxy you need to use.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setCacheManager

      public ClientBuilder setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Sets the CacheManager that should be used to cache Okta REST resources, reducing round-trips to the Okta API server and enhancing application performance. Single JVM Applications

      If your application runs on a single JVM-based applications, the CacheManagerBuilder should be sufficient for your needs. You create a CacheManagerBuilder by using the Caches utility class, for example:

       import static com.okta.sdk.cache.Caches.*;
       ApiClient client = Clients.builder()...
               .withDefaultTimeToLive(1, TimeUnit.DAYS) //general default
               .withDefaultTimeToIdle(2, TimeUnit.HOURS) //general default
               .withCache(forResource(User.class) //User-specific cache settings
                   .withTimeToLive(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
                   .withTimeToIdle(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES))
               .withCache(forResource(Group.class) //Group-specific cache settings
                   .withTimeToLive(2, TimeUnit.HOURS))
               .build() //build the CacheManager
           .build(); //build the Client

      The above TTL and TTI times are just examples showing API usage - the times themselves are not recommendations. Choose TTL and TTI times based on your application requirements.

      Multi-JVM / Clustered Applications

      The default CacheManager instances returned by the CacheManagerBuilder might not be sufficient for a multi-instance application that runs on multiple JVMs and/or hosts/servers, as there could be cache-coherency problems across the JVMs. See the CacheManagerBuilder JavaDoc for additional information.

      In these multi-JVM environments, you will likely want to create a simple CacheManager implementation that wraps your distributed Caching API/product of choice and then plug that implementation in to the Okta SDK via this method. Hazelcast is one known cluster-safe caching product, and the Okta SDK has out-of-the-box support for this as an extension module. See the top-level class JavaDoc for a Hazelcast configuration example.

      Specified by:
      setCacheManager in interface ClientBuilder
      cacheManager - the CacheManager that should be used to cache Okta REST resources, reducing round-trips to the Okta API server and enhancing application performance.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining
    • setConnectionTimeout

      public ClientBuilder setConnectionTimeout(int timeout)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Sets both the timeout until a connection is established and the socket timeout (i.e. a maximum period of inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
      Specified by:
      setConnectionTimeout in interface ClientBuilder
      timeout - connection and socket timeout in seconds
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining
    • setClientCredentials

      public ClientBuilder setClientCredentials(ClientCredentials clientCredentials)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying an ApiKey instance directly instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above. Currently, you should use a com.okta.sdk.impl.api.TokenClientCredentials (if you are NOT using an okta.yaml file)
      Specified by:
      setClientCredentials in interface ClientBuilder
      clientCredentials - the token to use to authenticate requests to the Okta API server.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setRetryMaxElapsed

      public ClientBuilder setRetryMaxElapsed(int maxElapsed)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Sets the maximum number of seconds to wait when retrying before giving up.
      Specified by:
      setRetryMaxElapsed in interface ClientBuilder
      maxElapsed - retry max elapsed duration in seconds
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining
    • setRetryMaxAttempts

      public ClientBuilder setRetryMaxAttempts(int maxAttempts)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Sets the maximum number of attempts to retrying before giving up.
      Specified by:
      setRetryMaxAttempts in interface ClientBuilder
      maxAttempts - retry max attempts
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining
    • build

      public ApiClient build()
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Constructs a new ApiClient instance based on the ClientBuilder's current configuration state.
      Specified by:
      build in interface ClientBuilder
      a new ApiClient instance based on the ClientBuilder's current configuration state.
    • createHttpClientBuilder

      protected org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.HttpClientBuilder createHttpClientBuilder(ClientConfiguration clientConfig)
      Override to customize the client, allowing one to add additional interceptors.
      clientConfig - the current ClientConfiguration
      an HttpClientBuilder initialized with default configuration
    • createHttpRequestConfigBuilder

      protected org.apache.hc.client5.http.config.RequestConfig.Builder createHttpRequestConfigBuilder(ClientConfiguration clientConfig)
      Override to customize the request config
      clientConfig - the current clientConfig
      a RequestConfig.Builder initialized with default configuration
    • createHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder

      protected createHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder(ClientConfiguration clientConfig)
      Override to customize the connection manager, allowing the increase of max connections
      clientConfig - the current clientConfig
      a PoolingHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder initialized with default configuration
    • setOrgUrl

      public ClientBuilder setOrgUrl(String baseUrl)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Sets the base URL of the Okta REST API to use. If unspecified, this value defaults to - the most common use case for Okta's public SaaS cloud.

      Customers using Okta's Enterprise HA cloud might need to configure this to be for example.

      Specified by:
      setOrgUrl in interface ClientBuilder
      baseUrl - the base URL of the Okta REST API to use.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining
    • setAuthorizationMode

      public ClientBuilder setAuthorizationMode(AuthorizationMode authorizationMode)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Overrides the default (very secure) Okta SSWS Digest Authentication Scheme used to authenticate every request sent to the Okta API server.
       Client client = Clients.builder()...
          // setApiKey, etc...
          .setAuthorizationMode(AuthorizationMode.SSWS) //set the SSWS authentication mode
          .build(); //build the Client
      Specified by:
      setAuthorizationMode in interface ClientBuilder
      authorizationMode - mode of authorization for requests to the Okta API server.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setScopes

      public ClientBuilder setScopes(Set<String> scopes)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying a list of scopes directly instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above.
      Specified by:
      setScopes in interface ClientBuilder
      scopes - set of scopes for which the client requests access.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setPrivateKey

      public ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(String privateKey)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the private key (PEM file) path (for private key jwt authentication) directly instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above.
      Specified by:
      setPrivateKey in interface ClientBuilder
      privateKey - either the fully qualified string path to the private key PEM file (or) the full PEM payload content.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setPrivateKey

      public ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(Path privateKeyPath)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the private key (PEM file) path (for private key jwt authentication) directly instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above.
      Specified by:
      setPrivateKey in interface ClientBuilder
      privateKeyPath - representing the path to private key PEM file.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setPrivateKey

      public ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(InputStream privateKeyStream)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the private key (PEM file) path (for private key jwt authentication) directly instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above.
      Specified by:
      setPrivateKey in interface ClientBuilder
      privateKeyStream - representing an InputStream with private key PEM file content.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setPrivateKey

      public ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the private key (PEM file) path (for private key jwt authentication) directly instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above.
      Specified by:
      setPrivateKey in interface ClientBuilder
      privateKey - the PrivateKey instance.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setClientId

      public ClientBuilder setClientId(String clientId)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the client ID instead of relying on the default location + override/fallback behavior defined in the documentation above.
      Specified by:
      setClientId in interface ClientBuilder
      clientId - string representing the client ID.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setOAuth2AccessToken

      public ClientBuilder setOAuth2AccessToken(String oAuth2AccessToken)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the user obtained OAuth2 access token to be used by the SDK. The SDK will NOT obtain access token automatically (using the supplied private key) when this is set.
      Specified by:
      setOAuth2AccessToken in interface ClientBuilder
      oAuth2AccessToken - the token string.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • setKid

      public ClientBuilder setKid(String kid)
      Description copied from interface: ClientBuilder
      Allows specifying the Key ID (kid) instead of relying on the YAML config.
      Specified by:
      setKid in interface ClientBuilder
      kid - string representing the Key ID.
      the ClientBuilder instance for method chaining.
    • getClientConfiguration

      public ClientConfiguration getClientConfiguration()