Configure the Fortinet gateway

During this task we will use the Fortinet web based Admin Console to integrate Fortinet with RADIUS.


  1. Define a RADIUS Server Profile
  2. Define a Firewall Group
  3. Define an IPv4 Policy
  4. Define Authentication/Portal Mapping

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have the common UDP port and secret key values available.

In Part 3 you define a RADIUS Server Profile, define a RADIUS server, define a firewall group, define an IPv4 policy, and define Authentication/Portal mapping. Complete these using the Fortinet web based Admin Console.

Define a RADIUS Server Profile

  1. Sign in to the Fortinet Admin console for the VPN appliance with sufficient privileges
  2. Navigate to User & Device > RADIUS Servers, and then click Create New to define a new RADIUS server, as shown below.

  3. Enter the following values to create a New RADIUS Server

    Field Value
    Name Unique and appropriate name (Okta MFA RADIUS)
    Primary Server IP / Name IP or Name of Okta RADIUS Server Agent
    Primary Server Secret Secret Key for the Fortinet Fortigate (RADIUS) App defined in Part 2, Step 3, above
    Secondary Server IP / Name Optional
    Secondary Server Secret Optional
    Authentication Method Specify
    Method PAP
    NAS IP Blank
    Include in every User Group unchecked

    Note: FortiGate defaults to using port 1812. To modify this setting, follow command line instructions below.

  4. Click OK to save these settings.
  5. Set the Remote Authentication Timeout

    The default timeout for Fortinet is 5 seconds; however, this timeout is insufficient when using Okta Verify Push. Run following commands from the command line to increase the timeout to 60 seconds.

    config system global
        set remoteauthtimeout 60

  6. [Optional] Change the Standard Port Definition

    To define a UDP Port other than the default (usually 1812), run the following commands from the command line.

    Note: These commands show the full RADIUS definition. MyRadiusSecretKey is the secret key for the Fortinet Fortigate (RADIUS) App defined in Part 2, Step 3, above. The command to define the RADIUS port is highlighted.

    config user radius
       edit "Okta MFA RADIUS"
          set server ""
    	  set secret MyRadiusSecretKey
          set radius-port 1814
          set auth-type pap

Define a Firewall Group

  1. Navigate to User & Device > User Groups, and then click Add to define a new Group Match, as shown below.
    Note: Leave the Groups field blank.

  2. Enter the following values to create a New Firewall Group

    Field Value
    Name Unique and appropriate name (Okta MFA Radius Group)
    Type Firewall
    Single Sign-On (RSSO) Members blank
    Remote Groups

    Create New

    Remote Server: Use the name created in Step 1, above (Okta MFA Radius)

    Group Name: Any (Note: In Fortigate firmware 5.6.5 and above, leave the Group Name blank.)

  3. Click OK to save these settings.

Define an IPv4 Policy

  1. Navigate to Policy & Objects > IPv4 Policy, and then locate and edit the policy related to your SSL-VPN interface. Edit the Source, as shown below.

  2. Navigate to the User Define an IPv4 Policy Select Entries dialog.
  3. Select and add the group you created in the previous step (Okta MFA Radius Group).

  4. Click OK to apply and save the settings.

Define Authentication/Portal Mapping

  1. Navigate to VPN > SSL-VPN Settings, and then go to the Authentication/Portal Mapping section,
  2. Create a new or edit an existing mapping, as shown below, to grant access to the Firewall group you just created in the previous step.

  3. Navigate to the User Define an IPv4 Policy Select Entries dialog.
  4. Click Apply to apply and save the settings.