Configure Cisco Meraki to use the Okta RADIUS Agent

During this task we will configure the Cisco Meraki gateway.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have the common UDP port and secret key values available.

The following steps are only valid when configuring an EAP-TTLS enabled RADIUS agent.

  • If plain PAP authentication is used, use the splash screen option in Meraki to authenticate.
    If the RADIUS app is not configured for EAP-TTLS, the steps for configuring Meraki are different. Instead select sign-on with my RADIUS server.
  1. Sign in to the Meraki console using an account with admin privileges.
  2. Navigate to Wireless > Configure > Access Control.
  3. Configure the following settings:
    • Select the SSID to setup for 802.1X EAP-TTLS authentication with Okta.
    • Check WPA2-Enterprise and select my RADIUS server.
    • Splash page check: None
  4. Enter RADIUS agent details:
    • RADIUS servers, enter the IP address of Okta RADIUS Agent under Host.
    • Port number and Secret are the same as the application setup in your Cisco Meraki Wireless LAN (RADIUS) app.

    Cisco Meraki application settings