Check Point RADIUS integration flow

This page describes Check Point RADIUS integration flow.

  1. User Logs in with Username/Password
  2. Gateway receives data and forwards via Radius to Okta RADIUS Server Agent
  3. Okta RADIUS Server Agent sends to Okta Identity Cloud
  4. Okta Identify Cloud Determines the Authentication source and responds or optionally forwards to on-prem directory agent
  5. Optional: Directory Agent sends Password to Directory
  6. Optional: Directory Confirms the password
  7. Optional: Directory Agent Confirms the password to Okta Identity Cloud
  8. Okta Identity Cloud evaluates the authentication policy and as required sends a message to the Okta RADIUS Server Agent to challenge the user for a factor
  9. The Okta RADIUS Server Agent relays the challenge message to the Gateway
  10. The Gateway displays a message to select a factor to the user
  11. User supplies the desired factor
  12. Gateway receives data and forwards via Radius to Okta RADIUS Server Agent
  13. Okta RADIUS Server Agent sends to Okta Identity Cloud
  14. Okta Identify Cloud evaluates the Choice and triggers the appropriate response (push message shown)
  15. Push message is received and Responded to by the user
  16. Success Message returned to the Okta RADIUS Server Agent
  17. Success Message returned to the gateway
  18. Connected