Manage REST API monitoring

Managing monitoring involves these tasks:

Available since Access Gateway version 2021.7.3

To go to the monitoring submenu where you can enable REST APIs, edit the monitoring endpoint name, and configure allowed IP addresses:

  1. Connect to the admin instance Access Gateway Management console.

    ssh oag-mgmt@[admin.tld]

  2. Select 4 - Monitoring
  3. Select 5 - Configure REST APIs

Enable or Disable REST APIs

The monitoring REST APIs are disabled by default.

To enable the monitoring REST APIs:

  1. Enter 1 to change the status of the monitoring REST APIs. A confirmation message confirms the change.
  2. Press any key to continue.

Edit endpoint name

You can change the monitoring REST API endpoint name by doing the following:

  1. Enter 2 to change the endpoint name.
  2. Enter m to enter a new endpoint name.
  3. Enter the new endpoint location (for example, /mystatusendpoint).
  4. Enter c to commit the endpoint name change.
  5. Enter x to return to the previous menu.

Configure allowed IPs

The monitoring REST API only allows client requests from known predefined IP addresses. You can add and remove addresses from the list of known addresses. Commit your changes for them to take effect.

To add an IP address:

  1. Enter 3 from the Configure REST APIs menu to manage allowed IPs.
  2. Enter a to add an address.
  3. Enter a fully qualified IPv4 address or CIDR address (for example,

To delete an IP address:

  1. Enter 3 from the Configure REST APIs menu to manage allowed IPs.
  2. Enter d to delete an entry.
  3. Enter the index of the address to delete.

To commit your IP address changes:

  1. Enter c to commit your changes, which include any pending additions or deletions.
  2. Enter x to return to the previous menu.

Related topics

Command Line Management Console reference

Basic REST API monitoring

REST Monitoring management events