Access Gateway deployment

Deploying Okta Access Gateway on your own hosted solution or on a cloud-based computing platform (such as AWS), is a well-defined process. Access Gateway is a high-performance appliance that you install on your hosting solution of choice. It uses your DNS and networking solutions to protect applications and services, and it requires specific tasks be completed as part of the installation.

Tasks to deploy Access Gateway in your environment include:

  1. Review all prerequisite tasks, including sizing and capacity planning detailed in Prerequisites for deploying Access Gateway.
  2. Choose an appropriate hosting environment for the Access Gateway virtual appliance. See Supported technologies.
  3. Download and install the latest OVA. Depending on environment selected, the deployment and configuration of Access Gateway varies. See Manage Access Gateway deployment for the complete list of supported virtualization environments.
  4. Perform required post-installation initialization tasks. See Post-deployment tasks.

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