Create temporary VM to host disk
To create a Microsoft Azure virtual machine and use it to create a disk.
- Sign in or return to the Microsoft Azure Portal.
- From the menu, select All Services and search for Virtual Machines.
Alternatively, select Virtual Machines from the favorites list. - Click Add.
- On the Create a virtual machine page:
- Select a resource group from the Resource group drop-down box.
- In the Virtual machine name field, enter a name for the new VM, such as Upload-OAG-VHD.
- Region should be pre-populated, if required select the region containing the resource group created in the prior task.
- From the Image drop-down box, select Ubunto Server 18.04 LTS. Note, Microsoft frequently changes resource names. Select a version Ubunto 18.04 image.
- For Size, select Standard D2s V3.
- In the Administrator Account section, select:
- Authentication Type: Password
- Username: okta
- Password: AlwaysOn@123
- Confirm Password: AlwaysOn@123
The username and password mentioned are for illustration purposes only.
- Scroll to the Inbound Port rules section and ensure that Select inbound ports field is set to ssh(22).
- Click Next: Disks > .
- Click Create and attach a new disk.
- Click Change disk size and select 512gb.
- Leave all other fields unchanged and click Ok.
- Click Next: Networking > .
- Ensure that Select inbound ports is set to ssh(22).
- Click Create and review and wait for the validation process to complete.
- Click Create.
- Once Deployment is Complete is displayed, click Goto Resource.
- Examine the new virtual machine and note its external IP address.
- Create a virtual machine using the az vm create command:
az vm create --name <name> --resource-group <resource-group> --location <region> \ --image "ubuntults" --size "Standard_D2s_v3" --data-disk-sizes-gb 500 \ --authentication-type "password" --admin-username "okta" --admin-password "AlwaysOn@123"
- <name> is an appropriate name
- <region> is the region to hold the VM
- <name-of-vm> is an name for the VM
- <virtual-disk> is the name of the virtual disk to associate with the VM
- <resource-group> is the name of the previously created resource group to house the VM
Here is an example of running the az vm create command with parameters populated with values:
az vm create --name "Upload-OAG-VHD" \ --resource-group "AccessGateway" --location "eastus" --image "ubuntults" \ --size "Standard_D2s_v3" --data-disk-sizes-gb 500 \ --authentication-type "password" --admin-username "okta" --admin-password "AlwaysOn@123
Running the az vm create command produces the following results:
--running . . . {- Finished .. "fqdns": "", "id": "/subscriptions/. . . /resourceGroups/AccessGateway/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/Upload-OAG-VHD", "location": "eastus2", "macAddress": "00-0D-3A-E4-AB-31", "powerState": "VM running", "privateIpAddress": "", "publicIpAddress": "", "resourceGroup": "AccessGateway", "zones": "" }
Examine the result and note the external IP address.