Configure SMS for self-service password resets

Enable SMS to send users a text message with a password reset code.

During the onboarding process, new users must provide their name and username to activate their account, but they may postpone providing optional information like a phone number and a secondary email address. Users who haven't added this information are prompted to update their profile on the first day of the following month or the next time they sign in after the first. At that point, they can specify a phone number for SMS messages or choose to be reminded again the following month (again on the first day or the next time they sign in after the first).

The SMS feature includes an SMS Usage category on the Reports page. The SMS Usage Report lets you monitor the number of SMS messages sent.

Invalid users who attempt entry through a Forgot Password or Unlock Account action do not see an error message because an error message could reveal if a user name represents a valid account.

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Security > Authentication.
  2. Select an existing password policy, click Edit in the right pane, and scroll down to the Account Recovery area.
  3. Select SMS.
  4. Click Update Policy.