Change threshold for import safeguard

Increase or decrease the app or org unassignment safeguard threshold to change the percentage of allowable app or org unassignments. You can also select the Increase the app assignment removal limit link in the All imports paused warning message to access the import safeguard settings.

  1. In the Admin Console, click Applications > Applications.
  2. In the Search field, enter the name of the application.
  3. Click the application name link and click the Provisioning tab.
  4. Select To Okta in the Settings list.
  5. Scroll down to the Import Safeguard section and click Edit.
  6. Optional. Use the arrows to change the App unassignment safeguard value, or click Set to default to set the default value.
  7. Optional. Use the arrows to change the Org-wide unassignment safeguard value, or click Set to default to set the default value.
  8. Click Save.