About user account status
The user account status provides information about the user account and whether administrative or user action is required. The user account status is displayed in the Status column on the People page and on a user's individual profile page. To access the People page, in the Admin Console go to Directory > People. To view a user's individual profile page, click the user name. This table lists the different users statuses.
API Status |
Admin Console Label |
Cause |
Staged | Staged | Accounts have a staged status when they are first created, before the activation flow is initiated, or if there is a pending admin action. |
Provisioned | Pending User Action | Accounts have a provisioned status when they are provisioned, but the user has not provided verification by clicking through the activation email or provided a password. |
Active | Active |
Accounts have an active status when:
Recovery | Password Reset | Accounts have a recovery status when a user requests a password reset or an admin initiates one on their behalf. |
Password Expired | Password Expired | Accounts have a password expired status when the password has expired and the account requires an update to the password before a user is granted access to applications. |
Locked out | Locked Out | Accounts have a locked out status when the user exceeds the number of login attempts defined in the login policy. |
Suspended | Suspended | Accounts have a suspended status when an admin explicitly suspends them. The user cannot access applications, the Admin Console, or the Okta End-User Dashboard. Application assignments are unaffected and the user profile can be updated. |
Deprovisioned | Deactivated | Accounts have a deprovisioned status when an admin explicitly deactivates or deprovisions them. All application assignments are removed and the password is permanently deleted. |