Clear unconfirmed users

During user import, users are sometimes mistakenly imported from third-party apps such as Active Directory (AD), Workday, or through a manual CSV import. Selecting Clear Unconfirmed Users lets you clear all unconfirmed users in an import queue. This operation only works within the selected application.

It is not possible to select and remove specific users. The only option is to clear all users. If you mistakenly clear all users from the queue, rerun a full import to restore the queue. To restore the import queue, a full import is required.

If an existing scheduled or manual import is running, you cannot clear users and the Clear Unconfirmed Users button is unavailable until the import is complete. If a scheduled or manual import is started during a clearing process, it starts as soon as the previous operation completes.

  1. In the Admin Console, click Applications > Applications.
  2. In the Search field, enter the name of the application.
  3. Click the application name link.
  4. Click the Import tab.
  5. Click Clear Unconfirmed Users to clear unconfirmed users.
  6. Click Clear import results in the Clear unconfirmed users dialog box.