Configure Okta group owners

To use group owners in Access Certifications or Access Requests, you must first configure group owners for those Okta groups. You can use group owners as reviewers in a campaign and as task approvers or assignees in Request Type.

Manage group owners

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Directory > Groups.
  2. Select a group to open the Group page.
  3. Go to the Owners tab on the Group page. The system displays a list of owners for this group.
  4. Filter by People or Group and enter the name of the user or group to assign them as a group owner.

To delete a group owner, perform steps 1 - 3 of this procedure, and click X for the group owner.

It may take approximately 24 hours for the group owner information to be reflected in Access Requests. Okta recommends that you sync your Access Requests Resources and Configuration lists after you change the group owner. See Configure Access Requests.

Manage group profile attributes

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Directory > Groups.
  2. Select a group to open the Group page.
  3. On the Actions dropdown, click Edit.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Click Save.

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