Okta LDAP Agent version history

This page displays current and past versions of the Okta LDAP Agent. This page is updated whenever a new version of the agent is released.

To download the latest agent, from your Administrator Dashboard, select Settings > Downloads and scroll to the agent you want. Click Download and run the installer.




5.17.0This version of the agent contains:
  • Migration of the Windows installer from Internet Explorer to Edge
  • The service OktaLDAPAgent stop command now correctly terminates agents installed on Red Hat and CentOS platforms
  • Security enhancements
5.16.0This version of the agent contains:
  • Use of FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic security modules

    • bc-fips: Version

    • bcpkix-fips: Version 1.0.6

    • bctls-fips: Version 1.0.13

  • Support for LDAP agent auto update

    • This version allows support for LDAP agent auto-update. Stay tuned for the self-service EA feature within Okta that will enable LDAP agent auto-update when available.

    • Upon agent installation on Linux platforms, we now grant the OktaLDAPService user permission to automatically install the newest agent version using the auto-update feature.

  • Bug fixes

  • Security enhancements



This version of the agent contains:

  • Security enhancements



This version of the agent contains:

  • Security fixes



This version of the agent contains:

  • An upgraded version of Amazon Corretto

  • Security fixes

  • Improved handling of exception in poller thread

  • Bug fixes



This version of the agent contains:

  • Okta Military Cloud support



This version of the agent contains:

  • Support for Proxy Authorization Control version 2 (2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18). Users who are required to change their password after it is reset by an admin are no longer prompted twice for their password when accessing the End-User Dashboard. This new functionality is available only with LDAP services that support Proxy Authorization Control version 2. To enable this feature, contact Okta support.
  • Internal improvements and bug fixes.



This version of the agent contains:

  • Range attribute retrieval for group membership attributes
  • Real-time synchronization for user profiles, groups, and group memberships. To enable this functionality, contact Okta Support.
  • Expired password reset support for the eDirectory LDAP service (Okta Identity Engine)
  • Bug fixes



This version of the agent contains:

  • Government Community Cloud support



This version of the agent contains:

  • Password expiry warning support for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE), Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), OpenDJ, and SunOne 5.2 LDAP directory services



This version of the agent contains:

  • Support for LDAP group password policies
  • Internal improvements and security fixes

  • Bug fixes



This version of the agent contains internal improvements and security fixes.



This version of the agent contains:

  • Support for LDAP group password policies
  • Bug fixes
5.6.6This version of the agent contains the same functionality as 5.6.5. Some default settings have been updated.2020.07.0

This version of the agent contains:

  • Internal improvements, including updating the JDK to Amazon Coretto
  • eDirectory support
5.6.4This version of the agent contains internal improvements. 2020.04.0

This version of the agent contains:

  • Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE) support

This version of the agent contains:

  • Internal improvements, including updating the JDK to Amazon Coretto
  • eDirectory support
5.6.1This version of the agent contains internal improvements. 2019.07.0
5.6.0This version of the agent contains internal improvements. 2019.06.0

This Early Access release includes incremental import improvements:

  • A new System Log event fires when the modifyTimestamp attribute in LDAP is null for users or group, which causes incremental import to be converted to a full import. One event per import session will be logged.

  • Bug fixes for incremental import.
5.5.6This Early Access release introduces signed RPM files, allowing you to verifying the authenticity of the RPM file using the provided Public GPG key. For details, see Verify the Okta LDAP agent download2019.03.01

This Early Access release contains:

  • Support for a configurable number of agent polling threads

  • Internal fixes
5.5.4This Early Access release contains internal and bug fixes.2019.01.2

This Early Access release contains the following fixes:

  • Changes to the debug logging levels were not captured

  • Okta authentication with JIT failed when the user ID contained ASCII extended characters.
  • Agent did not recognize pwd expired error for ODSEE server
5.5.2This Early Access release implements back-end changes that improve how the agent behaves during disaster recovery.2018.35
5.5.1This Early Access release fixes an issue where wrong data format was being sent during password reset when AD LDS was configured to use userPassword instead of unicodePwd for the Password Attribute field.2018.31

This Early Access release includes the following:

  • bug fix: ASCII extended character was getting converted to normal ASCII character in the user’s DN
  • internal improvements
5.4.6This Generally Available release provides internal fixes to the installer.2018.14
5.4.5This Early Access release includes internal fixes to the installer.2018.12

This Early Availability version of the agent includes the following:

  • fixed a problem with the Okta connection not being closed in certain error cases
  • fixed a problem with incremental imports which occurred after upgrading to a new agent version

This EA agent contains internal improvements and these bug fixes:

  • OKTA-142217 – After an LDAP provisioning error, the system required a reboot and the LDAP configuration could not be updated.
  • OKTA-147299 – Okta authentication with Just In Time (JIT) failed when the user ID contained some non-ASCII extended characters.
  • OKTA-142973 – Just In Time (JIT) provisioning was automatically enabled after modifying LDAP integrations settings.

The LDAP agent version 5.4.2 is now available. This version provides support for customers using Oracle Internet Directory, fixing bugs, and making optimizations to:

  • Incremental imports
  • Agent installation
  • Updated LDAP Agent default settings. For agent upgrades, your current state of enablement is preserved.

For the version history, see the Okta Java LDAP Agent Version History.


These updates provide support for customers using Oracle Internet Directory, fixing bugs and making optimizations to:

  • Incremental Imports
  • Agent Installation
5.4.0This new version of the LDAP agent supports incremental imports. This feature improves performance by only importing users that were created, updated, or deleted since your last import.2017.35
5.3.12This release provides the same functionality as 5.3.10. Some default settings have been updated.2017.31

This release provides improvements in handling special characters in the DN during LDAP setting validation.


This release provides various improvements to the agent log, as well as fixes to the following issues:

  • Imports from LDAP failed in some orgs due to way the Okta LDAP agent handled unicode characters.
  • Imports from LDAP failed in some orgs due to randomly dropped connections between the LDAP agent and Okta.

5.3.9This release improves ability to import large number of users by streaming LDAP objects during import.2017.11
5.3.8This release provides internal improvements.2016.45
5.3.7This release provides internal logging improvements.2016.38
5.3.6This release fixes an error that occurred when creating users in LDAP.2016.32
5.3.5This release provides additional diagnostic information for use by Okta engineering.2016.22
5.3.4This release adds a diagnostic message for use by Okta engineering. 2016.19
5.3.3This release fixes an issue in which Office 365 users were deprovisioned following an LDAP import.2016.12
5.3.2This release includes an option that lets admins disable SSL certificate pinning, which may be necessary to allow new installations to complete in environments where SSL certificate pinning prevents communication with the Okta server.
For more information, see Installing and Configuring the LDAP Agent.
5.3.1This release provides support for SSL certificate pinning. For more information, see Installing and Configuring the LDAP Agent.2016.01
5.3.0This release provides the following enhancements:
  • In supported versions of LDAP, end users can change and reset their LDAP passwords in Okta. (Pre-5.3.0 agent must be uninstalled before installing version 5.3.0.) See Reset a user password.
  • Allows Okta's On-Premises Provisioning agent and Java LDAP agent to be installed on the same machine.
5.2.5This version was released to achieve version consistency. It contains no functional differences from the previous release.2015.39
5.2.4This release fixes a potential security vulnerability. For more information, see Installing and Configuring the LDAP Agent.2015.38
5.2.2This release fixed an issue that prevented the agent from installing.2015.37
5.2.1This release added a diagnostic string that contains agent version and OS information.2015.33
5.2.0Introduced the General Availability (GA) release of version 5.2.0. This release incorporated the following major enhancements:
  • Support for AD LDS directories
  • A new Validate Configuration section in the setup page
  • Password reset flows
  • New Windows and Linux installers

In support of this GA release, we also changed the agent versioning scheme. Going forward, Okta began incrementing the version based on the 5.x.x convention instead of the former 1.x.x convention.

1.2.9This update improved the diagnostic messages that are sent to the Okta service.2015.29
1.2.8This update fixed an issue that prevented users who needed to change their LDAP password from logging in to their Okta org for the first time via JIT. This update also includes JRE version
1.2.7This update fixed an issue that prevented the agent from running on Linux RHEL 6.3. Additionally, we fixed an issue for ADLDS directories where the agent prevented users from changing their passwords. 2015.24
1.2.6This update added support for using the objectGUID attribute as a unique identifier.2015.20
1.2.5This update provided improved registration error messages.2015.18
1.2.4This update fixed some issues in which an agent upgrade required admins to uninstall the existing agent manually before installing the new agent. Additionally, we fixed an issue that prevented the installation from completing on Debian systems.2015.16 Update6/17/14 the Java LDAP Agent rpm installer.12/10/13

Note: After October 13, 2014, releases are named by release number; prior to that, they are named by release date. Release numbers indicate the year and week in which the release became available. Occasionally, there are gaps in the numbers.