Edit the status of your log stream
Update your log stream's status to start or stop sending System Log events to it.
You can also delete the log stream. However, after you delete a log stream, you can't restore it.
In the Admin Console, go to .
Select the log stream you want to edit.
Click Configure.
On the Details page, you can make any of the following changes:
Deactivate: Click the Active drop-down menu and select Deactivate. The log stream's status changes to Inactive. Deactivating a log stream stops the System Log from sending events to that log stream.
Delete: You can only delete a log stream after deactivating it. Click the Inactive drop-down menu and select Delete. You can’t restore a deleted log stream. You must create it again.
Activate: Click the Inactive drop-down menu and select Activate. The log stream's status changes to Active.