Admin Role Assignments Report


  • Ensure that you’re signed in as a super admin.

  • If you have the Manage Third-Party Admins check box enabled in your org on the Settings > Account page, the report includes a Third-party admin column.


The Admin Role Assignments Report can be filtered using any of the following parameters:

  • Admins

  • Roles

  • Resource sets


Use either of the methods listed to navigate to the Admin role assignment reports page.

Method one:

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Reports > Administrator Reports section.

  2. Click Admin role assignment report.

Method two:

  1. In the Admin Console, go to SecurityAdministrators.

  2. Go to the Overview tab.

  3. Click Create report. The Admin role assignment report page opens.

Get report

  1. Select your options for Admin, Role, and/or Resource set components on the Admin role assignment report page.





    All admins The report includes all users that have admin roles assigned, both individually and through group membership.
    Specific admins (users or groups) Enter the name of the users and groups that you want to include in the report.
    Individually assigned admins The report includes users who get their admin role assignments through individual assignments.
    Group assigned roles The report includes users who get their admin role assignments through group membership.


    All roles The report includes all roles. Permissions within the roles are also included for custom admin roles.
    Specific roles Enter names of the roles that you want to include in the report.
    Individual permissions Enter the individual permissions that you want to include in the report.

    Resource set

    All resources The report includes all resources and resource sets.
    Specific resource sets Enter names of the resource sets that you want to include in the report.
    Individual resources Select the resource type and enter the names of resources that you want to include in the report.

    You can also click Request report without selecting any options. This gives you an overall report for your org.

  2. Click Request report.

The reports are delivered by email to the email address associated with your account.