Uninstall and reinstall the Okta Provisioning Agent
Before you remove an Okta Provisioning Agent, Okta recommends that you have one or more other agents configured to avoid an interruption of service. When you uninstall and reinstall an Okta Provisioning Agent, you must decide whether you also want to remove the old Okta token. If you're performing an upgrade, removing the token isn't mandatory. To remove the API token, you must delete the Okta Provisioning Agent folder, and then deactivate and remove your old agent.
Uninstall on Linux
- Sign in to your Linux server as root.
- Enter yum remove OktaProvisioningAgent.
Uninstall on Windows
- On your Windows desktop, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
- Select Okta Provisioning Agent, and then click Uninstall.
Go to \Program Files\Okta and delete the Okta Provisioning Agent folder. Deleting this folder removes the agent configuration data and the API Token from your hard drive. The API token for the server is still valid in Okta so it's important to remove the configuration data.
Reinstall the Okta Provisioning Agent
Installing the Okta Provisioning Agent doesn't overwrite the configuration data in the Okta Provisioning Agent folder. If you want to reinstall and create an API token, delete the Okta Provisioning Agent folder before you reinstall the provisioning agent. Then perform the following steps to reinstall the Okta Provisioning Agent and deactivate and remove the old Okta Provisioning Agent.
- Install the Okta Provisioning Agent. See Install the Okta Provisioning Agent.
- In the Admin Console, go to .
- Confirm that your reinstalled Okta Provisioning Agent appears in the list. You should always have at least one Okta Provisioning Agent online with a status of Active.
- In On-Premises Agents, click the Activate dropdown menu of the old provisioning agent and then select Deactivate. The status changes to Inactive.
- Select the Inactive dropdown menu for the Okta Provisioning Agent that you want to remove, and then select Delete.
- For all on-premises provisioning apps, set the new agent as one of the provisioning agents that serve that app or connector.
If you're performing an upgrade or reinstall and you don't want to revoke the Okta API token of the old provisioning agent, the procedure is complete. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.