SCIM messages for on-premises provisioning

Okta uses a subset of available SCIM messages to send provisioning instructions to a SCIM server. These are the Okta SCIM provisioning messages:

Get implemented user management capabilities

This instruction is sent during app instance configuration and asks your connector to return the list of provisioning capabilities your connector has implemented. Based on the result, appropriate provisioning features are supported by the app integration.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

GET /ServiceProviderConfigs



Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:okta:schemas:scim:providerconfig:1.0" ], "documentationUrl":"", "patch":{ "supported":false }, "bulk":{ "supported":false }, "filter":{ "supported":true, "maxResults":100 }, "changePassword":{ "supported":true }, "sort":{ "supported":false }, "etag":{ "supported":false }, "authenticationSchemes":[ ], "urn:okta:schemas:scim:providerconfig:1.0":{ "userManagementCapabilities":[ "GROUP_PUSH", "IMPORT_NEW_USERS", "IMPORT_PROFILE_UPDATES", "PUSH_NEW_USERS", "PUSH_PASSWORD_UPDATES", "PUSH_PENDING_USERS", "PUSH_PROFILE_UPDATES", "PUSH_USER_DEACTIVATION", "REACTIVATE_USERS" ] } }

Create a new user

This instruction is sent when you assign a new user to an on-premises application.

Okta sends two messages. The first one determines whether or not the user already exists in the on-premises application. If the user does not exist in the on-premises application, Okta sends another message to create the user.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

GET /Users?

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

The following example shows a return when the user does not exist:

{ "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "totalResults": 0, "startIndex": 1, "itemsPerPage": 0, "Resources": [] }

The following example shows a return when the user does exist:

{ "totalResults":1, "schemas":["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"], "Resources":[ { "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "id": "102", "userName": "admin", "password": "god", "active": false, "name": { "formatted": "Barbara Jensen", "givenName": "Barbara", "familyName": "Jensen" }, "emails": [ { "value": "", "primary": true, "type": "work" } ], "groups": [ { "value": "1002", "display": "secondGroup" } ], "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom": { "isAdmin": true, "isOkta": false, "departmentName": "Administration" } } ] }

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

POST /Users

Example: "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "userName":"", "emails":[ { "primary":true, "value":"", "type":"primary" }, { "primary":false, "value":"", "type":"secondary" } ], "phoneNumbers":[ { "value":"123-444-5555", "type":"mobile" } ], "name":{ "familyName":"LastName", "givenName":"FirstName" }, "active":true, "password":"verySecure", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom":{ "isAdmin":false, "isOkta":false, "departmentName":"Testing User" } }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "id": "d0dd58e43ded4293a61a8760fcba0458", "externalId": "00ustvXq1A8UAuobW0f5", "meta": { "created": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": " Steph Curry", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en-US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VFhsSlpHVnVkR2wwZVVselRYbFFZWE56ZDI5eVpBPT0=", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [], "name": { "familyName": "Curry",

Create a pending user

This instruction is sent when an Okta user who has not been activated yet in Okta is assigned to an on-premises application.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

POST /Users { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "userName":"", "emails":[ { "primary":true, "value":"", "type":"primary" }, { "primary":false, "value":"", "type":"secondary" } ], "phoneNumbers":[ { "value":"123-444-5555", "type":"mobile" } ], "name":{ "familyName":"LastName-pending", "givenName":"FirstName-pending" }, "active":false, "password":"verySecure", "groups":[ { "display":"secondGroup", "value":"1002" } ] }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "id": "d0dd58e43ded4293a61a8760fcba0458", "externalId": "00ustvXq1A8UAuobW0f5", "meta": { "created": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": " Steph Curry", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en-US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VFhsSlpHVnVkR2wwZVVselRYbFFZWE56ZDI5eVpBPT0=", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [], "name": { "familyName": "Curry", "givenName": "Steph" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "30", "manager": { "value": "Steve Kerr" } } }

Note: This call is almost identical to the create user call except for the inclusion of the active value.

Import users from an on-premises application into Okta

This instruction is sent when an admin imports users from an on-premises application into Okta.

Note: Your Okta Provisioning Agent might make multiple requests to your connector if multiple pages of users exist.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

GET /Users?startIndex=1&count=100

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "totalResults": 3, "startIndex": 1, "itemsPerPage": 3, "Resources": [ { "id": "ce454761d63f4ce4904db3d4b9cc4cc4", "externalId": "00uinactiveAuobW0f8", "meta": { "created": "04-09-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": "Inactive Scim1 Test User", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en_US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": false, "password": "UVdKalpERXlNelE9", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [], "name": { "familyName": "User", "givenName": "Inactive Scim1 Test" } }, { "id": "d0dd58e43ded4293a61a8760fcba0458", "externalId": "00ustvXq1A8UAuobW0f5", "meta": { "created": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": " Steph Curry", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en-US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VFhsSlpHVnVkR2wwZVVselRYbFFZWE56ZDI5eVpBPT0=", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [], "name": { "familyName": "Curry", "givenName": "Steph" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "30", "manager": { "value": "Steve Kerr" } } }, { "id": "45c5f5187556447186bd5a710ba439e9", "externalId": "00usabcdeAuobW0f8", "meta": { "created": "04-09-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": "Scim1 Test User", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en_US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "UVdKalpERXlNelE9", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [ { "value": "8306945c760d4b0e8fae3e806614a19a", "display": "ScimOne Group A" } ], "name": { "familyName": "User", "givenName": "Scim1 Test" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "11253" } } ] }

Import recently changed users from an on-premises application into Okta

This instruction is sent when an admin runs an incremental import of users from an on-premises application into Okta.

Note: Your Okta Provisioning Agent might make multiple requests to your connector if multiple pages of users exist.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

GET /Users?filter=meta.lastModified gt “2020-04-07T14:19:34Z”&startIndex=1&count=100

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "totalResults": 1, "startIndex": 1, "itemsPerPage": 1, "Resources": [ { "id": "d0dd58e43ded4293a61a8760fcba0458", "externalId": "00ustvXq1A8UAuobW0f5", "meta": { "created": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": " Steph Curry", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en_US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VFhsSlpHVnVkR2wwZVVselRYbFFZWE56ZDI5eVpBPT0=", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [], "name": { "familyName": "Curry", "givenName": "Steph" } "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "30", "manager": { "value": "Steve Kerr" } } }, ] }

Import a user profile

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

GET /Users/<Id>

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "id": "d0dd58e43ded4293a61a8760fcba0458", "externalId": "00ustvXq1A8UAuobW0f5", "meta": { "created": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "lastModified": "04-17-2020 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": " Steph Curry", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en-US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VFhsSlpHVnVkR2wwZVVselRYbFFZWE56ZDI5eVpBPT0=", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [], "name": { "familyName": "Curry", "givenName": "Steph" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "30", "manager": { "value": "Steve Kerr" } } }

When Okta attempts to provision a user and finds that the user already exists in the on-premises application, Okta either pushes the profile of the user to the on-premises application or imports the user profile. This depends on whether or not you have the Push Profile Update option enabled. If it is enabled, Okta pushes the profile of the user to the on-premises application. If it is not enabled, it imports the user profile.

Activate a user

This instruction is sent when a user who was previously provisioned in inactive state is activated in Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

PUT /Users/<id { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "id":"101", "userName":"okta", "name":{ "givenName":"John", "familyName":"Smith" }, "emails":[ { "value":"", "primary":true, "type":"work" } ], "active":true, "password":"inSecure", "groups":[ { "value":"1001", "display":"firstGroup" }, { "value":"1002", "display":"secondGroup" } ], "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom":{ "isAdmin":false, "isOkta":true, "departmentName":"Cloud Service" } }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "id": "45c5f5187556447186bd5a710ba439e9", "externalId": "00usabcdeAuobW0f8", "meta": { "created": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "lastModified": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": "Scim1 Test User", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en_US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VlZaa1MyRnNjRVZTV0d4T1pXeEZPUT09", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [ { "value": "8306945c760d4b0e8fae3e806614a19a", "display": "ScimOne Group A" } ], "name": { "familyName": "User", "givenName": "Scim1 Test" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "11253" } }

Deactivate user

This instruction is sent when a user is unassigned from the Okta app integration or a user is deactivated in Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

PUT /Users/<id> { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "id":"101", "userName":"okta", "name":{ "givenName":"John", "familyName":"Smith" }, "emails":[ { "value":"", "primary":true, "type":"work" } ], "active":false, "password":"inSecure", "groups":[ { "value":"1001", "display":"firstGroup" }, { "value":"1002", "display":"secondGroup" } ], "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom":{ "isAdmin":false, "isOkta":true, "departmentName":"Cloud Service" } }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "id": "45c5f5187556447186bd5a710ba439e9", "externalId": "00usabcdeAuobW0f8", "meta": { "created": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "lastModified": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": "Scim1 Test User", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en_US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": false, "password": "VlZaa1MyRnNjRVZTV0d4T1pXeEZPUT09", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [ { "value": "8306945c760d4b0e8fae3e806614a19a", "display": "ScimOne Group A" } ], "name": { "familyName": "User", "givenName": "Scim1 Test" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "11253" } }

Reactivate a user

This instruction is sent when a previously deactivated user is activated in Okta

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

PUT /Users/<id> { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "id":"101", "userName":"okta", "name":{ "givenName":"John", "familyName":"Smith" }, "emails":[ { "value":"", "primary":true, "type":"work" } ], "active":true, "password":"inSecure", "groups":[ { "value":"1001", "display":"firstGroup" }, { "value":"1002", "display":"secondGroup" } ], "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom":{ "isAdmin":false, "isOkta":true, "departmentName":"Cloud Service" } }

Expected Response from Connector Acting as SCIM Server

{ "id": "45c5f5187556447186bd5a710ba439e9", "externalId": "00usabcdeAuobW0f8", "meta": { "created": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "lastModified": "10-14-2016 00:00:00", "version": "v1.0" }, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0" ], "userName": "", "displayName": "Scim1 Test User", "preferredLanguage": "en", "locale": "en_US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "password": "VlZaa1MyRnNjRVZTV0d4T1pXeEZPUT09", "emails": [ { "value": "", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "groups": [ { "value": "8306945c760d4b0e8fae3e806614a19a", "display": "ScimOne Group A" } ], "name": { "familyName": "User", "givenName": "Scim1 Test" }, "urn:scim:schemas:extension:okta:1.0": { "employeeNumber": "11253" } }

Push password update

This instruction is sent when user changes password on Okta and Sync password user provisioning feature has been enabled on App provisioning tab in Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

PUT /Users/<id> { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "id":"101", "userName":"okta", "name":{ "givenName":"John", "familyName":"Smith" }, "emails":[ { "value":"", "primary":true, "type":"work" } ], "active":true, "password":"this-is-my-new-password", "groups":[ { "value":"1001", "display":"firstGroup" }, { "value":"1002", "display":"secondGroup" } ], "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom":{ "isAdmin":false, "isOkta":true, "departmentName":"Cloud Service" } }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

Okta assumes that a non-error response from your connector means the pushPasswordUpdate was successful.

Push profile update

This instruction is sent when a user's profile changes in Okta and the update user provisioning feature has been enabled on Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

PUT request to /Users/101 { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0", "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom" ], "id":"101", "userName":"okta", "name":{ "givenName":"John", "familyName":"Taylor" }, "emails":[ { "value":"", "primary":true, "type":"work" } ], "active":true, "password":"inSecure", "groups":[ { "value":"1001", "display":"firstGroup" }, { "value":"1002", "display":"secondGroup" } ], "urn:okta:onprem_app:1.0:user:custom":{ "isAdmin":false, "isOkta":true, "departmentName":"Cloud Service Management" } }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

Okta assumes that a non-error response from your connector means the pushProfileUpdate was successful. Provided that the feature to store updates to on-premises application users upon creation or update is enabled, then the connector sends back the updated user.

Download groups

This instruction is sent when an admin imports users into Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

GET request /Groups?startIndex=1&count=100

Expected Response from Connector Acting as SCIM Server

{ "totalResults":2, "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "Resources":[ { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0" ], "displayName":"firstGroup", "id":"1001", "members":[ { "value":"101", "display":"okta" } ], "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0":{ "description":"This is the first group" } }, { "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "displayName":"secondGroup", "id":"1002", "members":[ { "value":"101", "display":"okta" }, { "value":"102", "display":"admin" } ] } ] }

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "totalResults": 2, "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "Resources": [ { "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0" ], "displayName": "firstGroup", "id": "1001", "members": [ { "value": "101", "display": "okta" } ], "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0": { "description": "This is the first group" } }, { "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0" ], "displayName": "secondGroup", "id": "1002", "members": [ { "value": "101", "display": "okta" }, { "value": "102", "display": "admin" } ] } ] }

Create group

This instruction is sent when the Group Push feature is enabled for an app integration in Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

POST request to http://localhost:8080/Groups

Expected Response from Connector Acting as SCIM Server

{ "schemas":[ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0" ], "displayName":"AppGroup-04", "id":"AppGroup-02", "members":[ { "value":"101", "display":"okta" }, { "value":"102", "display":"admin" } ], "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0":{ "description":"This is the second group" } }

Update group

This instruction is sent when the Group Push feature is enabled for an app integration in Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

PUT request to http://localhost:8080/Groups/1002

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

{ "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0" ], "displayName": "AppGroup-Changed", "id": "1002", "members": [ { "value": "101", "display": "okta admin" }, { "value": "102", "display": "okta user" } ], "urn:okta:custom:group:1.0": { "description": "This is the changed first group" } }

Delete group

This instruction is sent when the Group Push feature is enabled for an app integration in Okta.

Okta Provisioning Agent HTTP request and JSON message example

DELETE request to http://localhost:8080/Groups/1003

Expected response from acting SCIM server connector

Okta assumes that a non-error response from your connector means the deleteGroup was successful and the group with the Id 1003 was deleted.

Related topics

Create SCIM connectors for on-premises provisioning using SDK

Create SCIM connectors for on-premises provisioning

Test SCIM connectors for on-premises provisioning