Confirm imported Active Directory user assignments

Analysis of incoming Active Directory (AD) users with Okta- matching algorithms occurs during the import process. This determines if there's a match to any existing Okta users or to other imported accounts. Okta creates a duplicate account that mirrors (field mapping and data) and is associated with the imported AD account during import and account creation.

This task requires Super admin or Org admin permissions.

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Directory > Directory Integrations > Active Directory > Import.
  2. Review the imported users and the matching Okta user assignments.
  3. To modify the Okta user assignments, click the down arrow icon in the upper right corner of the Okta user and select one of these options:
    • Exact — The imported AD user must match an existing Okta user exactly.
    • New — If there's no existing match, Okta assigns a new Okta user to the imported AD user.
    • Existing — You can match an imported AD user with an existing Okta user. Click Specify and begin typing the Okta username. A list of matching usernames appears. Select the correct user from the list.
    • Ignore — You can opt to ignore this user. No Okta user assignment occurs.
  4. Click Confirm Assignments. You can confirm individual assignments or select all checkboxes at once.
  5. Optional. Select Auto-activate users after confirmation if to activate users immediately.
  6. Click Confirm.

This completes the assignment process. There should be no more records displayed in the Import Results pane.