Self Service for app integrations

The Self Service feature is a workflow through which users can request access to Okta app integrations or add personal app integrations to their End-User Dashboard. The process provides Single Sign-On (SSO) access to the associated external applications.

This feature also enhances the Okta Lifecycle Management product. Typically, an org's IT team automates account provisioning when new users are brought on board, but they don't manage the job-specific apps those users need. The workflow component of the Self Service feature allows business application owners to assign required app integrations and provision the necessary accounts in external applications to users. Delegating approvals to business application owners enables the IT team to focus their efforts on other tasks.

With the Self Service feature, admins can:

  • Create a multiple-step approval workflow with designated individuals or groups.
  • Customize timeout rules for the approval process.
  • Create customized notification messages.
  • Add comments and notes about app integrations.
  • Designate a set of app integrations that users can add to their home page without further approval.

Self Service page

The Self Service page allows admins to specify which kinds of app integrations users can add to their End-User Dashboard. It also shows all the app integrations currently available for users to request and any personal app integrations added by users.

In the Admin Console, go to Applications > Self Service to see the feature details. There are two tabs on the page: Settings and Usage.


User App Requests: This pane shows which configuration settings of the feature are enabled. See Enable Self Service request feature.

Available Apps: Each app integration shown in this table is configured to work with your Okta org. Users can request to add the app integration to their dashboard. The Approval column indicates whether the request requires permission from the approval workflow. See Configure Self Service approval workflow.


User Added Applications: This pane displays the list of all personal app integrations in the org and how many users have added each one. Use the Allow users to add personal apps option on the Settings tab to control whether users can add personal app integrations.
