Team settings

To configure these settings, you must have the Advanced Server Access admin role.

Topic Description
Client Session The number of hours before Advanced Server Access clients are required to reauthenticate. Optionally, you can enable the feature to auto-approve clients when users enroll in the team.
Web Session Duration The number of hours before the Advanced Server Access user is required to reauthenticate.

Include user SID in Certificate

To enable this feature, contact Okta Support.

Manage the inclusion of Active Directory users' security identifiers (SIDs) in the certificate.

Configure client session settings

You can auto-approve clients when users are enrolled in the team and configure the client session duration.

  1. Open the Advanced Server Access dashboard.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow on your user profile, and then select Team Settings.
  3. Select the Settings tab.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow and select the number of hours before clients are required to reauthenticate.
  5. Click Save Settings.

Configure web session duration

You can set a time frame after which Advanced Server Access users are required to reauthenticate.

  1. Open the Advanced Server Access dashboard.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow on your user profile, and then select Team Settings.
  3. Select the Settings tab.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow and select the number hours before users are required to reauthenticate.
  5. Click Save Settings.

Include user SID in the certificate

To enable this feature, contact Okta Support.

You can manage the inclusion of Active Directory users' SID in the certificate.

  1. Open the Advanced Server Access dashboard.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow on your user profile, and then select Team Settings.
  3. Select the Settings tab.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Never: SIDs aren't included. This is the default behavior.
    • If Available: Available SIDs are included in the certificate.
    • Always: SIDs are always included in the certificate.
  5. Click Save Settings.