Install the Advanced Server Access client on Red Hat (RHEL), Alma Linux, or Fedora
To install the Advanced Server Access client:
- Add the RPM key.
sudo rpm --import
- To access the artifacts create a /etc/yum.repos.d/oktapam-stable.repo file. Replace PLATFORM-KEY with the appropriate platform name; for example, amazonlinux, rhel, alma, or fedora. Replace RELEASE-VERSION with the appropriate major version of the OS; for example, 7, 8, and 9 (do not include minor version).
[oktapam-stable] name=Okta PAM Stable - PLATFORM-KEY RELEASE-VERSION baseurl=$basearch gpgcheck=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=
Run dnf update and accept the new GPG key.
Importing GPG key 0xB8966AE8: Userid : "Okta PAM/ASA Packager (PAM/ASA Package Signing Key) <>" Fingerprint: A3A9 03C2 9B5C AF75 34B9 F393 1983 7E37 B896 6AE8 From :
If you get 404 errors, make sure the RELEASE-VERSION in step 2 above is being replaced with a supported version and only includes the major version. For example, for RedHat 8.6, replace RELEASE-VERSION with 8 .
- Install the client. If you don't have dnf package manager you can use yum.
sudo dnf install scaleft-client-tools
- Install the URL handler.
sudo dnf install scaleft-url-handler