Class UserLinkedObjectApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-09-23T16:19:57.008753975Z[Etc/UTC]", comments="Generator version: 7.8.0") public class UserLinkedObjectApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • UserLinkedObjectApi

      public UserLinkedObjectApi()
    • UserLinkedObjectApi

      public UserLinkedObjectApi(ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public ApiClient getApiClient()
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient)
    • assignLinkedObjectValueForPrimary

      public void assignLinkedObjectValueForPrimary(String userIdOrLogin, String primaryRelationshipName, String primaryUserId) throws ApiException
      Assign a Linked Object value for primary Assigns the first User as the `associated` and the second User as the `primary` for the specified relationship. If the first User is already associated with a different `primary` for this relationship, the previous link is removed. A Linked Object relationship can specify only one primary User for an associated User.
      userIdOrLogin - If for the `self` link, the ID of the User for whom you want to get the primary User ID. If for the `associated` relation, the User ID or login value of the User assigned the associated relationship. This can be `me` to represent the current session User. (required)
      primaryRelationshipName - Name of the `primary` relationship being assigned (required)
      primaryUserId - User ID to be assigned to the `primary` relationship for the `associated` user (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • assignLinkedObjectValueForPrimary

      public void assignLinkedObjectValueForPrimary(String userIdOrLogin, String primaryRelationshipName, String primaryUserId, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Assign a Linked Object value for primary Assigns the first User as the `associated` and the second User as the `primary` for the specified relationship. If the first User is already associated with a different `primary` for this relationship, the previous link is removed. A Linked Object relationship can specify only one primary User for an associated User.
      userIdOrLogin - If for the `self` link, the ID of the User for whom you want to get the primary User ID. If for the `associated` relation, the User ID or login value of the User assigned the associated relationship. This can be `me` to represent the current session User. (required)
      primaryRelationshipName - Name of the `primary` relationship being assigned (required)
      primaryUserId - User ID to be assigned to the `primary` relationship for the `associated` user (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • deleteLinkedObjectForUser

      public void deleteLinkedObjectForUser(String userIdOrLogin, String relationshipName) throws ApiException
      Delete a Linked Object value Deletes any existing relationship between the `associated` and `primary` user. For the `associated` User, this is specified by the ID. The `primary` name specifies the relationship. The operation is successful if the relationship is deleted or if the specified User isn't in the `associated` relationship for any instance of the specified `primary` and thus, no relationship is found.
      userIdOrLogin - If for the `self` link, the ID of the User for whom you want to get the primary User ID. If for the `associated` relation, the User ID or login value of the User assigned the associated relationship. This can be `me` to represent the current session User. (required)
      relationshipName - Name of the `primary` or `associated` relationship being queried (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • deleteLinkedObjectForUser

      public void deleteLinkedObjectForUser(String userIdOrLogin, String relationshipName, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Delete a Linked Object value Deletes any existing relationship between the `associated` and `primary` user. For the `associated` User, this is specified by the ID. The `primary` name specifies the relationship. The operation is successful if the relationship is deleted or if the specified User isn't in the `associated` relationship for any instance of the specified `primary` and thus, no relationship is found.
      userIdOrLogin - If for the `self` link, the ID of the User for whom you want to get the primary User ID. If for the `associated` relation, the User ID or login value of the User assigned the associated relationship. This can be `me` to represent the current session User. (required)
      relationshipName - Name of the `primary` or `associated` relationship being queried (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listLinkedObjectsForUser

      public List<ResponseLinks> listLinkedObjectsForUser(String userIdOrLogin, String relationshipName) throws ApiException
      List the primary or all of the associated Linked Object values Lists either the `self` link for the primary User or all associated Users in the relationship specified by `relationshipName`. If the specified User isn't associated in any relationship, an empty array is returned. Use `me` instead of `id` to specify the current session User.
      userIdOrLogin - If for the `self` link, the ID of the User for whom you want to get the primary User ID. If for the `associated` relation, the User ID or login value of the User assigned the associated relationship. This can be `me` to represent the current session User. (required)
      relationshipName - Name of the `primary` or `associated` relationship being queried (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listLinkedObjectsForUser

      public List<ResponseLinks> listLinkedObjectsForUser(String userIdOrLogin, String relationshipName, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      List the primary or all of the associated Linked Object values Lists either the `self` link for the primary User or all associated Users in the relationship specified by `relationshipName`. If the specified User isn't associated in any relationship, an empty array is returned. Use `me` instead of `id` to specify the current session User.
      userIdOrLogin - If for the `self` link, the ID of the User for whom you want to get the primary User ID. If for the `associated` relation, the User ID or login value of the User assigned the associated relationship. This can be `me` to represent the current session User. (required)
      relationshipName - Name of the `primary` or `associated` relationship being queried (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getObjectMapper

      protected static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper getObjectMapper()