Class ApplicationUsersApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-09-23T08:35:59.300824-05:00[America/Chicago]", comments="Generator version: 7.8.0") public class ApplicationUsersApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ApplicationUsersApi Link icon

      public ApplicationUsersApi()
    • ApplicationUsersApi Link icon

      public ApplicationUsersApi(ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getApiClient Link icon

      public ApiClient getApiClient()
    • setApiClient Link icon

      public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient)
    • assignUserToApplication Link icon

      public AppUser assignUserToApplication(String appId, AppUserAssignRequest appUser) throws ApiException
      Assign an Application User Assigns a user to an app for: * SSO only<br> Assignments to SSO apps typically don't include a user profile. However, if your SSO app requires a profile but doesn't have provisioning enabled, you can add profile attributes in the request body. * SSO and provisioning<br> Assignments to SSO and provisioning apps typically include credentials and an app-specific profile. Profile mappings defined for the app are applied first before applying any profile properties that are specified in the request body. > **Notes:** > * When Universal Directory is enabled, you can only specify profile properties that aren't defined in profile mappings. > * Omit mapped properties during assignment to minimize assignment errors.
      appId - Application ID (required)
      appUser - (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • assignUserToApplication Link icon

      public AppUser assignUserToApplication(String appId, AppUserAssignRequest appUser, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Assign an Application User Assigns a user to an app for: * SSO only<br> Assignments to SSO apps typically don't include a user profile. However, if your SSO app requires a profile but doesn't have provisioning enabled, you can add profile attributes in the request body. * SSO and provisioning<br> Assignments to SSO and provisioning apps typically include credentials and an app-specific profile. Profile mappings defined for the app are applied first before applying any profile properties that are specified in the request body. > **Notes:** > * When Universal Directory is enabled, you can only specify profile properties that aren't defined in profile mappings. > * Omit mapped properties during assignment to minimize assignment errors.
      appId - Application ID (required)
      appUser - (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getApplicationUser Link icon

      public AppUser getApplicationUser(String appId, String userId, String expand) throws ApiException
      Retrieve an Application User Retrieves a specific user assignment for a specific app
      appId - Application ID (required)
      userId - ID of an existing Okta user (required)
      expand - An optional query parameter to return the corresponding [User](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/User/) object in the `_embedded` property. Valid value: `user` (optional)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getApplicationUser Link icon

      public AppUser getApplicationUser(String appId, String userId, String expand, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Retrieve an Application User Retrieves a specific user assignment for a specific app
      appId - Application ID (required)
      userId - ID of an existing Okta user (required)
      expand - An optional query parameter to return the corresponding [User](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/User/) object in the `_embedded` property. Valid value: `user` (optional)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listApplicationUsers Link icon

      public List<AppUser> listApplicationUsers(String appId, String after, Integer limit, String q, String expand) throws ApiException
      List all Application Users Lists all assigned users for an app
      appId - Application ID (required)
      after - Specifies the pagination cursor for the next page of results. Treat this as an opaque value obtained through the next link relationship. See [Pagination](/#pagination). (optional)
      limit - Specifies the number of objects to return per page. If there are multiple pages of results, the Link header contains a `next` link that you need to use as an opaque value (follow it, don't parse it). See [Pagination](/#pagination). (optional, default to 50)
      q - Specifies a filter for the list of Application Users returned based on their profile attributes. The value of `q` is matched against the beginning of the following profile attributes: `userName`, `firstName`, `lastName`, and `email`. This filter only supports the `startsWith` operation that matches the `q` string against the beginning of the attribute values. > **Note:** For OIDC apps, user profiles don't contain the `firstName` or `lastName` attributes. Therefore, the query only matches against the `userName` or `email` attributes. (optional)
      expand - An optional query parameter to return the corresponding [User](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/User/) object in the `_embedded` property. Valid value: `user` (optional)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listApplicationUsers Link icon

      public List<AppUser> listApplicationUsers(String appId, String after, Integer limit, String q, String expand, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      List all Application Users Lists all assigned users for an app
      appId - Application ID (required)
      after - Specifies the pagination cursor for the next page of results. Treat this as an opaque value obtained through the next link relationship. See [Pagination](/#pagination). (optional)
      limit - Specifies the number of objects to return per page. If there are multiple pages of results, the Link header contains a `next` link that you need to use as an opaque value (follow it, don't parse it). See [Pagination](/#pagination). (optional, default to 50)
      q - Specifies a filter for the list of Application Users returned based on their profile attributes. The value of `q` is matched against the beginning of the following profile attributes: `userName`, `firstName`, `lastName`, and `email`. This filter only supports the `startsWith` operation that matches the `q` string against the beginning of the attribute values. > **Note:** For OIDC apps, user profiles don't contain the `firstName` or `lastName` attributes. Therefore, the query only matches against the `userName` or `email` attributes. (optional)
      expand - An optional query parameter to return the corresponding [User](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/User/) object in the `_embedded` property. Valid value: `user` (optional)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • unassignUserFromApplication Link icon

      public void unassignUserFromApplication(String appId, String userId, Boolean sendEmail) throws ApiException
      Unassign an Application User Unassigns a user from an app For directories like Active Directory and LDAP, they act as the owner of the user's credential with Okta delegating authentication (DelAuth) to that directory. If this request is successful for a user when DelAuth is enabled, then the user is in a state with no password. You can then reset the user's password. > **Important:** This is a destructive operation. You can't recover the user's app profile. If the app is enabled for provisioning and configured to deactivate users, the user is also deactivated in the target app.
      appId - Application ID (required)
      userId - ID of an existing Okta user (required)
      sendEmail - Sends a deactivation email to the administrator if `true` (optional, default to false)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • unassignUserFromApplication Link icon

      public void unassignUserFromApplication(String appId, String userId, Boolean sendEmail, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Unassign an Application User Unassigns a user from an app For directories like Active Directory and LDAP, they act as the owner of the user's credential with Okta delegating authentication (DelAuth) to that directory. If this request is successful for a user when DelAuth is enabled, then the user is in a state with no password. You can then reset the user's password. > **Important:** This is a destructive operation. You can't recover the user's app profile. If the app is enabled for provisioning and configured to deactivate users, the user is also deactivated in the target app.
      appId - Application ID (required)
      userId - ID of an existing Okta user (required)
      sendEmail - Sends a deactivation email to the administrator if `true` (optional, default to false)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • updateApplicationUser Link icon

      public AppUser updateApplicationUser(String appId, String userId, AppUserUpdateRequest appUser) throws ApiException
      Update an Application User Updates the profile or credentials of a user assigned to an app
      appId - Application ID (required)
      userId - ID of an existing Okta user (required)
      appUser - (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • updateApplicationUser Link icon

      public AppUser updateApplicationUser(String appId, String userId, AppUserUpdateRequest appUser, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Update an Application User Updates the profile or credentials of a user assigned to an app
      appId - Application ID (required)
      userId - ID of an existing Okta user (required)
      appUser - (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getObjectMapper Link icon

      protected static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper getObjectMapper()